Friday, February 1, 2019

Swinging Between Fear and Faith

Phooey! Phooey! PHOOEY, PHOOEY, PHOOEY!!!!! Sometimes you just have to be real and say PHOOEY!!!! I am in one of those moments. This week we traveled to MD Anderson for my check-ups -- bloodwork, scans and a little bit of wait and see. I wish I could say, "IT WAS AWESOME", but all I have at the moment is PHHHOOOOEEEEYYYYY!!!! (Okay, there may be a "Well, CRAP" in there, too. Just sayin'...) Unfortunately, The Nuisance is not stable and unremarkable as we always hope. Multiple spots have shown growth since my scans three months ago. PHOOEY!!!! PHOOEY, PHOOEY, PHOOEY!!!!!!!

We have a million unknowns in front of us. I have to be honest and tell you that I am hanging between faith and fear right this second. I know that like monkey bars I have to let go of one to grab the other. I KNOW that God has this. I KNOW that He will provide like He always does. I KNOW that I will see beautiful things that will forever change me, but right now I seem paralyzed by the things I DON'T know. I will win that fight between faith and fear, bet on that with everything you have, but man, it is a struggle.

Here is what we know and don't know. We KNOW that they want me back in a few weeks to be a part of a trial in which they will take a tissue sample in order to do some genetic testing. This has just recently been approved in the thymoma world. If there is a specific mutation (something called a driver cell????? one of the things I DON'T know much about) then they can treat it with a medication that is a genetic match. This is new and not without risks, but it is promising at the same time. It will take some time to get the genetic testing done so it may be a few weeks before we know if I am a match. (I do have to laugh that in the past I've asked you to pray that I am stable and unremarkable and now I am praying I am a certain kind of mutant. Oh, the humor of it all!) We KNOW that if I am a match that they will start me on a pill which would be convenient. We DO NOT KNOW how long, what side effects are at risk or really much of anything else except that it is a shot, another option for my arsenal.

We KNOW that if that doesn't pan out that they'd like me to be in another trial for immunotherapy. This is all pretty new to Thymoma as well. There are risks of course and it may or may not work, but it is another new shot. One of the biggest I DON'T KNOWS is that this particular treatment would require me to travel to Houston every three weeks. I DON'T HAVE ANY CLUE HOW THAT CAN HAPPEN. That is one that has me clinging to fear like crazy right this second. My family, senior boys, time, money, work, and life are all shouting in my head THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE, but that, fortunately, is followed by a whisper that says, "You've said that before..." to which I humbly hang my head and say, "I KNOW."

I wish I was at a pretty place where I knew all the answers, but right now I am a bit frozen on the fear of I DON'T KNOW. I don't want to be here again. I don't want to do this. I had different plans for senior year. I am scared, worried, sad, and completely overwhelmed yet loved, blessed, certain, and confident that this battle is already won.  I wish that meant it wouldn't be a struggle, but it will be. I know.

We'd love your prayers. WE KNOW they make a difference. WE KNOW our God is faithful. WE KNOW he will provide. WE KNOW that he has plans that will amaze us all! WE KNOW!

Thanks for letting me yell PHOOEY for a bit. Thanks for letting me be afraid. I'm feeling a little stronger now, think it is time to start swinging and grab that bar of faith! It can hold me. I KNOW!


  1. I am praying. I know the unknown is so difficult. The waiting is so hard. Please know you are not alone. I know as a mom of a senior boy myself I want to cherish each second. I also know my son clings to me one minute and then runs out the door to be with his friends the next. I am a planner and I have had to learn to roll with moment by moment changes of a teenage boy. I know you have two of them and you have learned to roll with those changes too. Your boys want to see you smile more than anything else in the world. You have a school district that knows you are the greatest thing that ever walked on two legs. You have a community and church that will do anything to help you. You have friends who will be there to do anything you need done. I actually love doing laundry. Please do not hesitate to call and ask if I would love to come do your laundry. I admire you more than words can say. I am praying and I care so very much.

    1. Thank you so much!!! You have been such a prayer warrior for me and I am grateful!

  2. Not sure where to begin but one that you're in my heart and my family and I will pray for peace, comfort, confirmation and the right people are in place for you and family. Love you! Aretha Cortez & family

    1. Love you! Thank you so much for your prayers and for encouraging me!!!❤️

  3. Anna, this thymoma sister is praying for the perfect treatment path to once and for all rid you of the nuisance��❤️

  4. Swing for the next bar! Take the next right step toward your faith and recovery. We are praying and always rooting for you! You inspire so many to do the same.

  5. Lifting you and yours as you climb yet another slope to wellness. You will, I know, Let go and let God. My love to you all.

  6. The Allisons are praying for healing and nuisance riddance! Please let us know how we can help wth your boys and your travels...if they need a place to support...we are here for you. Hugs and love friend. ����❤️Leigh

  7. Wow! I'm overwhelmed and hurting for you! You have been such an inspiration and blessing to so many people, and we are on the other side of that rope reaching out our hands in pray for you and to hold you when you can't hang on through this leg of your journey. We are there lifting you up to our God who is giving you strength, building your faith, guiding your steps when you falter, comforting you and your family, and most of all HEALING. You have experienced an incredible battle and satan is there to steal, kill and destroy, but we know the maker of the universe and healer. He has come to give you LIFE and give it to you in ABUNDANCE. You're prayer warriors are on their knees before our Father to stand in the gap for you. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be discouraged or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

    1. This is so well said by Sherry that I just want to tag on to her words. I will be praying for you every single day!🙏🏻

  8. Continuing to life you, your family and your medical team up in prayer...

  9. Anna- the Finger Family will be lifting you and your family up every day till you claim another victory for us to share with the world. We love you!!

  10. Anna, with your willingness to share your journey you have inspired so very many to be strong as they face similar challenges. God blesses those with faith (like yours). It is just so difficult for us to know how we are being blessed when we face the unknown...thus the faith part. Please know I admire both your courage and faith. You continue to be in my prayers.

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  13. Anna, I will join with a legion of prayer warriors...because I know they are out there. We will stand in the gap for you and kneel beside you praying for a healing miracle. You are like Joshua...heading into a strange 'land' not knowing what lies ahead, but knowing that God promises "Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9) May you feel his strength and power when you rise in the morning and when you lie down to sleep. You are admired and loved beyond measure
