Sunday, October 14, 2018

Power in Perseverance

Butterfly migration is an amazing thing. These delicate, seemingly weightless creatures fly up to 3,000 miles from as far as Canada to reach their winter destination in Mexico. This weekend I got to witness hundreds of them making their pilgrimages across the state as I traveled the backroads of Texas. I became fascinated by their fortitude.

To watch them you would think butterflies are at the mercies of the winds, blown from place to place as they flit about. They do not fly with the determination of geese or the soar on powerful wings like an eagle. That they make it even a mile seems nothing short of miraculous. How many times must they flap their fragile wings to complete their journey? What motivates them to keep moving forward? How do they trust that what they cannot see will be worth the effort? There are many similarities between life and butterflies.

How many times do you feel tossed by the winds as you journey through life? You don't seem to have the power of those soaring above you and you can't hear the sounds of encouragement coming from those behind. You flit, you flail, and you flutter as you try to move forward. Troubles come and send you reeling out of control. You feel weak and powerless, but that is not the truth. The truth is you are miraculous. You are beautiful. Your power is not in your strength, it is in your perseverance. It is easy to fly when you are strong, but it is amazing to keep flying when you are frail. You may not know where you are going right now, but you will definitely know when you get there. You are furiously flapping at the moment, but it is just a season. When that season passes it will be followed by another of rest. It is just around the bend, do not give up! There is a purpose in your pilgrimage and it is for your good. You only have to do one thing--- just keep moving your wings! Hope awaits!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 20:11

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