Sunday, February 3, 2019


So this year my word has been "Changed". I picked it because changed is what I want to be. I committed to being changed spiritually, physically, and financially. I picked it because change is what I expected with the boys being seniors and going to college in the fall. I picked it because the change specific in their lives means my relationship with my husband will be changed; my roles at church will be changed; my weekly schedule will be changed. I picked it because I eagerly anticipated that my life would be changed. Little did I know...the changes I was anticipating are not the only ones I will face. I am coming to terms with the fact that part of being changed this year will involve The Nuisance. (May I say again, PHOOEY!)

It takes some time for your brain to catch up with your body when you get news like that. It is a lot to process.  God begins to use people to whisper encouragement, he sends music to remind you of his love, he places images in your mind and in the environment to paint a picture of his presence. And today, he used Surrenders.

Part of my being "Changed" has been working out. Today I hit 36 days in a row (Hang with me--- there is a point to this story). I even kept my body moving in the past few tough days --- part of needing to feel normal and in control of something.  One of the exercises that I have been dong is a device of TORTURE called Surrenders. To perform surrenders you hold weights at shoulder level and drop to the right knee, then left so you are kneeling. From the kneeling position, you lift your right foot up and place it in front of yourself and press up to come to a standing position. You repeat this for 60 seconds and then repeat on the other side. It is BRUTAL! The first few times I did it my legs quivered like crazy. There was no stinkin' way that I could do it with weights. I didn't make it through the first 60 seconds. I thought I was going to have to crawl out of the basement because my legs were noodles. But now I am beginning to notice new strength. I am able to get through the full round (and even walk upright out of the basement!! LOL) I  have even upped my weights. While surrenders are still not a delight I am getting stronger. That really spoke to me today.

Sometimes life is a bit brutal. It can swiftly remind us of our weakness. It can cause us to tremble and feel like we cannot rise to continue on. It can make us feel like we have no strength, no power, no perseverance. BUT here is what I was reminded of --- strength is built through acts of surrender. When confronted with our weakness we must kneel. We surrender to the ONE who builds our strength. We bring him everything we have and we lay it at his feet and when we've done that, we muster our strength (that comes from Him) and get up and get to the challenge ahead. The more we repeat that process the stronger we become. Surrender. Stand. Repeat. Surrender. Stand. Repeat. Surrender. Stand. Repeat.

Surrender is the point where we let go. It is the place that we kneel before our deliverer and let him pour strength into us.  It is the point where we think we can't, but fully trust that HE CAN.  "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."  James 4:10 Strength is built through surrender.

This year I will be changed. Some changes will be welcomed, some will be imposed. I only know one way through. Surrender. Stand. Repeat. Want to be my workout buddy?

Love y'all. Thanks so much for the sweet words you have shared with me and mine in the past few tough days. We know there are more ahead and are so grateful that we are not ever alone.  I pray that God uses each of us to make the world a better place every day! You have certainly done that for me!


  1. I will be your workout buddy any day! I continue to send my prayers and love daily to the strongest person I know. Hugs, my friend!

  2. Your strength continues to amaze me and obviously comes from Him. Please know you continue to be in my prayers.

  3. Thank you for sharing such meaningful words. Reading "strength is built through acts of surrender" was an aha moment for me. Praying for you, dear Anna, and your family.

  4. Anna, you are an inspiration! Your words speak strength, and I am praying and pulling for you daily! Amy

  5. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I too have Thymoma Cancer and just beginning my journey. I believe in the power of prayer and waiting for my healing when it’s time. Keep the Faith as I know that will always be our true strength!
