Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there were two shepherds responsible for watching a large flock. The older of the two herdsmen was known for his remarkable talents as a shepherd. He provided well for his sheep. He cared for all their needs, led them to the safest pastures, and loved each animal. He was also responsible for the younger shepherd. He had originally given the younger man the job and taught him the tricks of the trade. The flock was safe.
Over time, the younger of the shepherds began to grow jealous of his elder. He wanted recognition as a good shepherd. He wanted the sheep to follow him when they walked through pastures. HE wanted to be the leader of the flock. He had a few sheep that were his favorites and that followed him, but he wanted more. He began to do things to undermine the older shepherd. In doing so, he often put the sheep in danger. Over time, it became clear that the great flock would be split in two. Although the older, wiser shepherd did not wish to lose a single sheep, he would not bind them to him against their will. The two shepherds parted ways and the flock became separated.
The jealousy of the younger shepherd didn't cease when he was on his own. In fact, it grew. In order to tarnish the reputation of the older shepherd, the younger would wait until the shadows of darkness and then creep to the other flock to cause damage. He attacked the good shepherd's flock. He poisoned them, misled them off into darkness, and sometimes killed them and made it look like a wild animal had attacked. The townspeople began to whisper that maybe the good shepherd wasn't so good. Maybe the younger herdsman was better. His flock seemed to be fine after all. The young shepherd was pleased.
More time passed. Some of the sheep in the good shepherds flock began to look at the other flock. They began to grow dissatisfied because it looked like the pasture of the other sheep was so much greener than theirs. They seemed to be so well off. What they didn't recognize, was how close to the edge of a cliff the pasture was, and that many sheep had fallen over the edge. Their shepherd didn't take them there because it wasn't in their best interest. Not realizing that, many of the sheep left the flock, much to the heartbreak of their shepherd.
Often the good shepherd would come across one of the sheep from the other flock. It would be wounded, starving, left for dead. Even though it was a sheep that had left him, actively chosen to walk away, he would pick it up, nurture it back to health and once again allow it to choose its flock. Some would stay with him. Others would go back to what they had known, but the good shepherd treated all sheep with love and offered them good things.
The younger shepherd's concern was really not for sheep at all. In fact, he hated the animals. They just served his purpose in a game he was playing against the good shepherd. He actively sought to destroy the good shepherds flock. As for his flock, destroying them didn't serve a need, so harm that came to them was more of a neglectful harm. They often enjoyed green grass, but because the pastures were in dangerous places, lives were lost. Because he didn't care what happened to them, they were sometimes injured, but it was not usually with the same intention of harm that he had for the other flock. Whereas the good shepherd loved sheep so much that he cared for even those that wandered away, the young shepherd cared for none of them. He only cared about overthrowing the good shepherd.
To this day, the younger shepherd continues to try to destroy the flock. The story hasn't ended. Good sheep continue to be found injured in pastures. Sheep who wander off continue to seem to prosper. The ending is coming, but it isn't over yet.
God is the good shepherd. Satan is the younger. You and I are the flock.
Bad things do not come from God. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." His goal is to do whatever he can to separate people from God. Because that it his goal, his greatest targets are often the people who are God's children. Therefore, bad things happen to good people. Thankfully, God is a God who can take what was intended for evil and use it for something good. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose." So the answer to the first question is that bad things happen to good people because Satan seeks to destroy and is threatened by people who are "good" (God's). He often attacks others as well, but he doesn't have to work as hard on people who don't have a relationship with God, they are already separated from Him. They pose no threat.
In addition, we might consider how we classify a person as "good". The bible says that "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6. In actuality, none of us are "good"; we are just forgiven and trying. We all sin. But God loves us still.
Now about that second question, "Why do good things happen to bad people?" Sometimes it seems unfair that bad seems to prosper. How does that work? For one thing, as the young shepherd used the green pastures as a lure, so Satan uses promises of good to lure away God's people. The pastures look green, but they are dangerous. Secondly, God is a God of love. He loves each person He has created, even when they don't love him back. Just like the good shepherd cared for all the sheep, His and those of the other flock, God cares for all people. Good things happen to bad people because God, the Shepherd, still loves them. Now that is not to say there will not be discipline and judgment at some point for wrong that any of us have done. 2 Corinthians 5:10 says," For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."
Bad things happen to good people because the nature of Satan is bad. Good things happen to bad people because the nature of God is good. But when it is all said and done, the "good" guys (the forgiven) always win, because God uses both good and evil for the betterment of those who love him. We profit either way.
If you are a "good guy" afflicted by bad this week, hold on. God is going to bring good things from it. I could write volumes on how God has used "The Nuisance" to bring good in my life. I haven't scratched the surface of what God has done in my life through this. And to the "bad guys" (unforgiven) of the world, may they recognize that God loves them and wants to woo them back to Him, but they shouldn't wait too long. There will be a day of judgment and then it is too late. The good shepherd wants all his sheep in the fold, even those that have wandered away. See Luke 15:1-7 for a biblical perspective on that.
Continue to pray for those who have lost much this week. Pray for our country, our state, our town. Pray specifically for Boston, West, the Cook and Coats families. Do not be quick to judge and seek vengeance-- that belongs to The Lord, and he can handle it. Love one another and don't be afraid to show it. Life changes quickly, but God never does.
Great article. Thanks for the perspective. Can I use the picture/graphic here for a series I'll be teaching at our church?